Monday, July 9, 2012

90 Outfits for $500

Oh! A very lovely video from Lucky Magazine (found via The Budget Babe) that shows you how to mix and match wardrobe staples to maximize your clothing dollars. Creativity for the win.

How to look good in portraits

Found awhile ago via Reddit, but felt like posting now. :)

It's all about the Jaw from Peter Hurley on Vimeo.

The short version: be aware of your jaw line - a few small tweaks to your pose can make a world of difference in eliminating a double chin.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Random Activities

  • Eyed this workout, Ballet Beautiful, by Mary Helen Bowers. I was in fantastic shape back in my ballet days, and this looks like it could be both challenging and a great time. 

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Adhesive eyeliner?!

What? Eyeliner in sticker form? Crazy talk! Better than tattoo eyeliner, I suppose. $59.99 for four different, generally too-dramatic-for-my-taste sets of adhesive liner from Dior. Due out on 9/5/11.

So many questions:
- Will it leave gaps if it doesn't match your eye shape? (I wish the images showed the model straight on with her eyes open - maybe even a video!) Can you easily fill potential gaps in with actual eyeliner without it looking out of place?
- How thick are they?
- Is it actually easy to apply, or is it tricky to position? Can you shift it around once it's on?
- Since I'm a klutz, is it easily ruined by accidentally folding them over on themselves? Can they be unstuck from themselves without destroying 'em?
- How well does it move with eyelid skin? Will it pucker, or will it make the skin around the liner wrinkle strangely as I blink and make facial expressions?
- How likely is it to curl or fall off when you are oily/sweaty?
- How many times can you rewear them before they start to get that not-so-fresh look?
- Since our features, especially eyes are never perfectly symmetric, will it look odd? This goes back a bit to my first question, since I imagine it might need enhancing/adjusting to look right on some people.

Overwhelmed by my questions yet?

Monday, August 22, 2011


This has been one of those weekends where I want to just roll up like a burrito in a blanket on my couch and sleep the days away. Stupid allergies.

Tank, H&M
Dachshund Pajama Pants, CloseoutZone

Monday, August 8, 2011

(Insert lyric about flying or departing on a plane of some kind here)

I'm not a huge fan of flying. Don't get me wrong - I love going places, I just strongly dislike dealing with security, turbulence, and airplane restrooms. There's probably some fashion law regarding yoga pants on planes, but a gal's gotta do what a gal has gotta do.

Tonight it's:

Overthinking: Interview Edition II (Thought and rethought)

On the eve of interview eve (yes, the evening before the evening before), I've rethought things yet again. Ditching the belt, ditching cream shirt,nail polish color, and even ditching the black cardigan.

Now I'm going with these:

Plus this: OPI's neutral, "I Need Space." (image from Life, Love and Lipstick):

Plus my curly hair and rosy lipstick. Wish me luck!